This year is all about self-growth for me, so it seemed fitting that I watch Oprah's Best Life series that was on.
Gotta love Oprah.
She had my favorite financial guru, Suze Orman and her sassy self was turning on the lights for many of us Americans. We are broke.
So, I began thinking about the times, I was debt-free. I have had that title a few times over my adult life. Then I plummeted back into that hole of have-not-a-dime.
Now, I think that Suze is cool, cause I like her upfront, no-holds barred approach. But sometimes, I think she is cuckoo too.
My other favorite money man is Dave Ramsey. He is a little bit more realistic for me. So I went on his website and was listening to his webcast about creating your 7.
He said that goals need to be written down and not stored in your brain. So if you have a list on that is great, I am starting mine too. But this one may be more manageable and in an organized fashion:
Make a list of these seven areas:
1. Career Goals- You should really plan for what you can do now, this year to reach that goal.
2. Financial Goals- First come career, then comes money right? Well, also think about small goals you can achieve this year and right now.
3. Spiritual Goals- Honestly, this should be numero uno. Cause that will you give the willpower to achieve all things.
4. Physical Goals- Yep, getting fit, but overall too. What does your long-term look like
5. Intellectual Goals- I thought this was a good one, cause hey you need to become smarter. Read a book!
6. Family Goals- What are your goals to improve your familial situation?
7. Social Goals- What about relationships with people in general?
Overall, they can be short-term and long-term like I did. Cause somethings will take more than '09 to do!
I made my list with what I can do now and the snowballs after it...wanna see it? Nosy.
Career Goals:
Write my memoir
Become a best-selling author
Win literary awards
Movie about my book
Humanitarian awards
Financial Goals:
Pay off debts again...and stay out of it.
Be able to give
Retire comfortably
Leave a trust for my children
Not worry about money ever
Spiritual Goals:
Find my inner peace
Heal from my past
Pray and meditate daily
Forgive myself and others
Become knowledgeable in all religions
Physical Goals:
Exercise regularly
Maintain a healthy weight
Quit unhealthy habits
Eat less meat…become veg...a something or another.
Take care of my body with regular doctor visits.
Intellectual Goals:
Read a book a month
Study something new a month
Go to a lecture yearly
Listen to podcasts or webcasts of intellectuals
Understand the news
Family Goals:
Meet a wonderful man
Get married and stay happily together
Have a child, adopt a child
Raise a good family
Become a strong familial unit
Social Goals:
Be more outgoing
Try something new
Explore new places monthly
Join a social club or group
Give people a chance
So print out your 7 list.......and get to work.
Have I done anything yet?
Since January 1....
I have yoga tomorrow, I start a NYC writing class for memoirs on the 21st, I started reading the bible and reading up on buddhism. I am currently reading Marley and Me. I started my snowball debt payment plan. Someone pissed me off today and I didn't say anything to them. I signed up for a meetup in Seoul to meet more people.
Will keep you posted!
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