Tuesday, October 28, 2008


yes, i know that i have neglected this blog. but i was in love.
you know that feeling, you are so wrapped up in your new love... that you forget your tasks, hobbies and god forbid, friends.

well, i forgot about this blog. cause hey. i was in love.

Pictorial of my month:

Honoring my ancestors on Chuseok, Korean Thanksgiving. Love you haraboji and halmoni. Peace be with you.
There is nothing like coming home to something furry and cute. For laying with me and making me laugh. For being my personal alarm clock every morning. And greeting me everyday when i come home. For following me around and just wanting to be next to me. My terrible twosome Lint (not pictured) and Lola. Love you for being such brave kitties when you got haircuts.

Ahh Lotte, you will be the death of my wallet. Thanks for the free samples and keeping my skin absolutely fab. My bedding will be my sanctuary in these cold months ahead!

For my family that never knew anything about me for 30 years but my name and country of residence. Who made sure I was well fed every hour on the hour. Thank you Sumo for the tub of kimchi, I will never finish it... because it is just me. For my cousin with limited English, who makes me laugh. To my uncle who reminds me of my mother. With each visit, I feel closer to her.

Korea, your resilience astounds me, your spirit to perserve and maintain your culture and heritage amidst Western influences and past Japanese rule. I love your oxymorons and contradictions.

MK who always leads the way and who has been my dearest friend for the longest time. I am so glad you're here. With you, I am at home.

This is Seoul Tower, where lovers scribble their names, their hopes and fears...through away the key and forever it is there.

There is so much love here and I too have been in love, with my life. Sorry I didn't write.