Friday, January 23, 2009

Money Matters

I just finished reading this article about cutting expenses in 2009. The first three major expenses for people were:




Moving to South Korea either eliminated or significantly reduced those costs. Let's do the math.

America vs Korea:

Car note $430 or$0

Subway $0 or $10

Gas $100 or $0

Car Ins. $75 or $0

Mortgage $1,200 or $0

House Ins. $ 25 or $0

HOA $169 or $200 (includes electric in Korea)

Food $300 or $150

Total $2299 or $360

Enough said!

I mean that is just considering the top three things listed in the article, not including all the other things.

I am still tightening my belt over here. I went to Costco and bought a lot of meat to start making my own dinners and lunches. I do spend too much money on mediocre school lunches. The school bus picks me up, so the only time I use transit is when I go somewhere...which is only on the weekends and quite rare. Eating out, especially Western food is expensive and eats away my won budget. Oh, yeah I forgot to mention I only live on 1/3 rd of my income. The other 2/3 goes to paying off American debts and maintaining the house I still own. :(

If you read my previous blogs, I am also on a debt snowball plan. So I need to cut some corners to pay off my debts by next summer.

To the chagrin of loved ones I will not be returning to live in America any time soon. It is just too expensive. I have already decided to resign my contract this fall.


frosted.piyo said...

Your comparison really highlights the difference in cost of living!

Just happened on your blog today and I have a favour to ask of you :3 I am working on gender inequality in Korea for a school project and need to circulate a survey.

If possible, would you please help pass my (Korean-language) survey on to all your Korean acquaintances? It would greatly help and I would really, really appreciate it! Do hope you can help ^^

Thank you,


frosted.piyo said...

This is the survey link:


Kelsey said...

I'm totally thinking of coming to Korea to try something new! Japan is wearing me thin after four long have you been there?