Sunday, January 18, 2009

Going to Hell

Three pieces of pecan pie, two lattes, four pieces of Kalbi, 8 dumplings, numerous slices of Peking duck, four spring rolls, 8 pieces of sashimi, a strawberry mouse and some things I am probably digesting right now that I can't remember. Gluttony. Greed.
I began thinking about the seven vices, or seven deadly sins.
Realizing that I have been guilty of indulging in them one time or another in my life. Sometimes simultaneously, just to make life more interesting. Yep, I am going to hell.
Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Envy, Pride.

Lust: That never ends well now does it. Either they don't live up to your fantasized expectations or you find out they are complete utter a**holes. Just imagine whoever you desire being a complete idiot or having inadequate bedroom skills and funky foot odor. That will end that. I always imagine that David Beckham has a hairy butt. Works for me!
Gluttony: Now today I can't speak on this, forgive me for I have sinned. Being in Korea my calorie consumption is usually quite low cause I don't snack as much and the portions here aren't mega-super-quadrupled sized. Though, it can be kinda hard when you visit family, like I do and they constantly have you grazing on food all day. But just learn how to say when. I don't pig out often. But I tend to have a seasonal disorder of doing so. Shilla in the Spring anyone?
Greed: Moving to Korea made me realize how much crap I have back home that I didn't and don't need. I get by on fewer pairs of shoes, less clothes, less home furnishings, less of everything here. Guess what? I am still alive!
Sloth: I am not the best expert in this area. I believe in relaxation. Probably because from an early age I have always worked and I also dealt with a lot early in my life that I believe in taking time out. I think that I have had enough time "off" and it is time to get back to it. Also, it is believed that you can be a sloth if you fail to utilize your talent or gift. *crickets* . Guilty as charged. I am on parole though.
Wrath: Never been very vengeful and spiteful. I have been very angry with people though and if looks could kill...I don't wish bad things on people but I definitely can say to hell with someone. I think this is one sin that I don't indulge in often.
Envy: In America, I did that a lot. Everywhere you are made to feel incomplete. Wanting this, that. Secretly being jealous of others and envious. Envy can cripple you are transpire into other sins. I really appreciate my life as is and what it is about to become. So no more envy for me.
Pride: Not a big problem here. I don't think I am better than people. I give credit where it is due. I am not vain or narcissistic. I am more embarassed than anything by compliments and stuff.

The seven virtues are:
chastity, temperance, charity, diligence, patience, kindness, humility.

Chastity: Living in Korea is handling that. Enough said.
Temperance:Moderation, I don't drink as much here. I have to work on the seasonal eating binge fests though.
Charity: Let's see what happens at PSBFK on the 30th.
Diligence: Writing this blog regularly is one step. Starting this writing class on the 21st is another. Korean class in February and socializing more. Hmmm...I am on my way.
Patience: Every child has taught me that. My father has taught me too. Living in the South and Living here in Korea has taught me that.
Humility: I am humble.

Maybe I am not going to hell with gasoline draws (underwear) on after all.

1 comment:

Jeanny said...

Love your blog!

Just read all your entries in one go, but I really loved this one.

Everyone always talks about the seven sins but never the seven virtues.

Good luck to you in pursuing those virtues!