Saturday, August 23, 2008

A Little Clarfication

Around here, it is important to distinguish yourself from:

A. The English teachers.
B. The U.S. military.

I vehemently let people know that I am neither. I teach at an international school. I am a certified teacher and I teach fifth grade with two math blocks, not English.

The few English teachers that have passed through the revolving doors of hagwons have undoubtedly tainted the image of English teachers and western people by acting like asses. Admittedly, you have to be a little weird to pack your bags and move half way around the world to teach...or you have to be lame in your native country, which I am an neither.
Wait, I am a little weird.
English teaching for some has become a quick fix for their problems in their own country, can't find a job there, let me teach English there. Can't score any hot girls here, let me teach English there. So on and so forth.
Now, I am going to have to say that Korea can't be all that mad about it, considering their applicant pool. You have to wonder about a person who can pack up and move to Korea in two weeks. Seriously, don't be surprised then if they are slackers, druggies or what not. `

Next, the good ol' Army. Now, don't get me wrong, I am a product of Korean citizen and military fraternization. But because I grew up around military installations, I know first hand that young, country, poor folk sign up for the Army. Also, they have a lack of couth and understanding of various cultures. I have seen obnoxious G.I.s and trust me, If I were Korean, I would raise an eyebrow or two.

People fail to realize, whether you like it or not, you are a representative.
Act accordingly.


1 comment:

vengayam said...

Nice one with the clarification. I'm just visiting korea for 6 months and I was overwhelmed with the tone of American presence here in Seoul. Within weeks I could see that Itaewon was for U.S. military, Hongdae was for english teachers. I guess, now their blending.
Whatever it is, its a pitiful image you've guys have created. And also a subsequent look-down- below at the Koreans' accommodativeness. Its like a young girl who jumped few years and is ready to get laid not knowing its abuse.