Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Yowza! Four Days!

Yeah, I went through a wee bit of an emotional roller coaster the last few days.

You are so brave!

So adventuresome!

Oh, to be young!

Wish I could do that!

Sheesh. To be honest people... I am chickenshit. I am not that daring. I usually just take calculated risks. Considering that I have been thinking about this, researching it, weighing out the pros and cons for years. How daring can I be? Oh, the initial leap you say...

You ever see those cartoons, particulary Wil.E. Coyote running like mad and he is chasing the road runner only to find that he is no longer on land, but suspended in air...staring at you with those helpless big doey eyes as he momentarily pauses to hold up a sign reading "HELP" before he plummets face flat hundreds of feet below and you see that puff of a dust cloud. weeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwuuuuuuhhhhpuggghhh.
Good ol' Wil.E. was a planner, he organized and planned his attack, tactics and ordered some impressive stuff out of that ACME catalog, the Amway of Looney Tunes. It didn't matter though.
How much he planned.
He could never predict that inevitable feeling of Aww..shittt. Or in G-rated terms. Help!
He always got up and attempted again though and chased his dream of scrawny road runner basted legs.
While I had been reassuring all my friends and family that I will be home at Christmas and summer. I thought repeating that over and over had comforted me as well over the past few months, but the last few days had been incredibly rough.
I guess what I am saying is that fear can be crippling. I was literally sick with the idea of moving almost 8000 miles away from my family and friends. I didn't stop crying from Friday until Monday. For some reason, the movers came today and I was A-okay. Ready to roll. Just like our old relentless coyote above.
So, I have my guest room now established as my room in my own house. It is furnished with my guest bedroom furniture and my belongings for when I return home. So it will feel like I never left even if the rest of the house will have my new "roommate's" belongings.
A mini-rant for the day:
I went to take the kitties to the vet at 7am for a drop off. Appointment was at ten, but the movers were at the house so I had to drop of the duo...I went to pick them up at 7pm since no one called to tell me to and they close at that time. Yes, they usually call.
The vet tells me that I may need a USDA stamp. All the stuff I read on the internet did not specify that. I was not arguing with the man about the need for the stamp if he thought so. I was upset because he had my kitties all day and didn't pick up the phone and tell me this so I could figure it out. He said he didn't know I was traveling internationally. I told the ninny nurse that a few weeks ago at Lola's appt. I also said it again upon check in.
So I lost a whole day when I could have called today to beg for an appointmet. I also don't understand why the vet wouldn't know about these matters...I mean that is your job right? People come in for health certificates all the time. Should you have a list or database of what countries require what. I tell ya. As a teacher, if I had no idea what the standards were or what is required for someone to learn, I would be under so much scrutiny.
So I will be calling the USDA first thing in the morning to beg for an appointment ASAP to pay and additional twenty some odd bucks for a stamp. The office it seems is about 40 minutes away.
But....I am also supposed to be selling my car tomorrow. We'll see.
Wednesday here I come!

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